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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Don't Store that in the Garage!

1/16/2017 (Permalink)


With the start of the new year, most of us try to accomplish new goals, a new fresh start.  Getting healthy, organizing our homes, bettering our lives' always seem to be at the top of the list.  One space to start cleaning out & organizing- the garage! That extra storage area that easily becomes a catchall for our items.  We have compiled a list of items that should not be stored in your garage. Get them out and reclaim your space.

1. Paint- Because the garage is prone to extreme temperature changes, paint should not be stored in the garage.  Recycle paint according to your county guidelines or donate it.

2. Electronics- If you are putting electronics out in the garage, you must not be using them.  Donate these items because they can not withstand the temperature fluctuations and will easily break.

3. Propane and Hazardous Chemicals- Proper ventilation is key for storage of propane and hazardous chemicals.  For safety reasons, these items need to be stored outside.  

4. Food- Keeping food in the garage is an open invitation to rodents and insects.  Although shopping in bulk can save money, storing extra food in the garage will cause problems. The moisture and humidity will spoil the food. Find room in the house for food storage.

5. Cardboard boxes- Insects, mice and other rodents love cardboard.  Invest in waterproof plastic bins to store your items.

Hope these tips help you gain back your garage. Happy Cleaning!

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